
The DART course was designed by Bristol anaesthetic trainees who were looking for ways to improve their airway management skills. This naturally led to the training of others, and eventually in the establishment of DART courses further afield.

The course structure is of five workshops of 45 minutes. The key skills are applicable to use the Difficult Airway Society guidelines in unanticipated difficult intubation. The course is focused on this algorithm to create a sense of simplicity and avoid unwanted ‘noise’. The workshops are led by an anaesthetic trainee and supported by a local airway expert. This encourages peer-to-peer teaching at multiple levels. The cost for the course is £50

  1. Extubation Techniques
  2. Tracheostomy Emergencies
  3. Asleep fibre-optic intubation
  4. Front of neck access
  5. Supraglottic airways, alternative intubating blades and video laryngoscopes

Course Structure

 Location: Department of Anaesthesia, Level 7, Queen’s Building, Bristol Royal Infirmary


09:00 – 09:15                            Registration for candidates

09:15 – 09:45    (30 mins)          Introduction Lecture, 2015 DAS guidelines


09:45 – 10:30    (45 mins)          First skill station


10:30 – 11.00    (30 mins)          Coffee/tea


11:00 – 11:45    (45 mins)          Second skill station

11:45 – 12:30    (45 mins)          Third skill station


12:30 – 13:45    (75 mins)          Lunch (Zero degrees)


13:45 – 14:30    (45 mins)          Fourth skill station

14:30 – 15:15    (45 mins)          Fifth skill station


15:15 – 15:45    (30 mins)          Summary, feedback and closure

16:00                                        Course closes


Skill station 1 – Extubation Techniques

Skill station 2 – Tracheostomy Emergencies 

Skill station 3 – Asleep fibre-optic intubation

Skill station 4 – Front of Neck Access

Skill station 5 – Supraglottic airways and Video laryngoscopes




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