

Our next course will be run in the BRI on 07/12/2023. This will be open to all members of the MDT who would like to attend. To apply for a place, please email

Please include your name, workplace and position.

There will be a small fee to cover consumables, lunch and course costs. These will be –

£50 for trainees and consultants

£25 for ODPs, anaesthetic nurses, students etc

This can be paid once your place has been confirmed


Our next course is scheduled for the 15/10/2021. This is likely to be run as a Primary FRCA study day due to restrictions.

The Primary study day held in October was a huge success, adhering to COVID-19 guidelines, but managing to deliver teaching across five hospitals at the same time. Feedback was good, and as always, we can improve using the feedback from the day.

Primary Study Day 02/10/2020

We are holding the DART course in remote locations whilst being based in the BRI. The teaching will be the same as the normal course, but lectures and demonstrations will be done over Webex, with practical teaching being done in each hospital. To comply with deanery regulations and COVID social distancing, we can only accommodate five trainees per hospital initially.

Each location is limited to a maximum of 5 trainees and you must attend at your base hospital only.  To book a place please email, stating your base hospital and whether you are happy for your email address to be forwarded to the course organisers.  If the course is oversubscribed trainees doing their Anaesthesia module will be prioritised.  For any trainees unable to attend there will be the opportunity to observe the day remotely.

The hospitals taking part are –

BRI for Weston and Yeovil trainees




Gloucester and Cheltenham


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